Vivarium VI (NULL)

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The following is a posting from 1839 found on display in the museum of La Rue Macabre for all to see. An excerpt from the museums curator can be found below.

"Welcome to de La Rue Museum handsome! Ya come here to learn de history of La Rue? Like de time Jow challenged Scratch to a drink off, or dat ship da- What you say… Oh yeah we got documents. Follow me, dey in the back."


Dear Giraud Fonteyn

I have sent 5 bundles of wood to Baton Rouge via La Rue station. They will be accompanied by the usual Conductor. There is one patter roller, but they will not be an issue for long. I have sent Anansi to talk with him. I gather more wood by the day, despite the plantation owners attempts to silence my stories my shepherds tell. I sadly can only keep so many dry. The swamp is not the safest place. Would you be able to take 6 bundles next time?

- Loa of the Crossroads

dis 'ere was 'ritten by Legba. It don't make sense till ya relize dat it in code. "Wood" is de slaves that would come to Legba, "Shepherds" are de holy men of Ghana who spread de stories of Legba, and a "Patter Roller" is de dirty slave hunter. He would send these letters out to the Fontayn House so that dey could find there way north…Hm? Of course you can take pictures darling. Go right ahead.

The following is a posting from 1842 found on display in the museum of La Rue Macabre for all to see. An excerpt from the museums curator can be found below.

Dear Major General Lovell

It is my duty to inform you that we do not possess the necessary defenses or man power to prevent the capture of the city of New Orleans. I know you are confident that Fort Jackson and Fort St. Philip will hold the river, but if they were to fall, New Orleans would fall shortly afterword. We require reinforcements post haste. The Union forces have managed to infiltrate the swamps neihboring New Orleans, and have begun to pick us off one by one. The men talk of them as if they are a devil. They even claim seeing the eyes of a hellhound in the night. You have ignored my last three letters, but please heed this request.

- Officer Moore

Reinforcements arn't gonna come
- Scratch

Scratch took this off a soldier he killed back then. I traded him a broken grenade I had lying around for it. Anyway Joe 'n Scratch would go out at night 'n drag the confederates out into the swamp and feed them to da gators. They killed hundreds of soldiers. When the Union finally broke through those forts, there was nothin' they could do.

The following is a posting from 1864 found on display in the museum of La Rue Macabre for all to see. An excerpt from the museums curator can be found below.


Good news everyone. Starting today, you will be able to walk onto the streets of New Orleans without fear. Now I'm not the type for real emotional speeches, so I will say this instead. You are free to leave and return to a life outside of this swamp. But just remember this. This will always be a home for the lost, for the broken, for those who have no where to go. If you wish to leave, then so be it, but I will be happy to see you stay.

This posting marks an important day for the people of La Rue. The day the civil war ended, and the end of slavery. The people of La Rue celebrated for weeks… You know I heard a rumor once that Joe cried tears of joy when he heard the news… It's true, Nancy told me once while we was shootin' the shit.

The following is a posting from 1983 found on display in the museum of La Rue Macabre for all to see. An excerpt from the museums curator can be found below.

I would tell you more about this one, but you probably know more then I do.


A message for all the people of La Rue.

Alright, so it looks like the cat is out of the bag. Legba got his cane stolen, and it turns out a group known as the Foundation has it. Legba went ahead and struck a deal with them. They will leave us be, but they want to know more about La Rue. They are gonna send some suits our way, so be polite to them. Now I will say that I know these guys deal in puttin' people like us away, but I also know they don't make promises they ain't gonna keep. So as long as they keep their end of the deal, they will be welcome here, and if they don't, we will show them the bottom of the swamp.


That's all I got on display right now. If you want I can go get some I got in storage… Oh you livin' so soon. Well you better come back to see me so I can see your handsome face again sweetheart. I'll be waitin' for ya.

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